As I was cleaning up my archives and updating my recipe list with new links and pictures, like these Chocolate Chip Oats Cookies, it just dawned on me that this month, 8 years ago, was when I sheepishly logged online and typed up one of my first recipes. Its been a wonderful and fulfilling journey so far and I’m so grateful for all the opportunities and experiences I’ve had through this blog. I can’t wait to see what the upcoming years have in store for me and I’m super pumped to get back into my kitchen and cook up lots more delicious goodies to share with you all!
Like I’ve said time and time again, I was never one for baking. I love my cakes and baked goods, like these Chocolate Chip Oats Cookies – but have always preferred them store-bought. There’s something about becoming a mom that just makes you want to jump off your seat and bake THE best cookies in the world! The day I fed Baby Dear his first solid meal was the same day I knew that no matter what, I wanted to be able to bake one of the best Chocolate Chip Cookies, Chocolate Cake and also a mighty fine Pizza for my wee one to enjoy whenever he wished. I wanted to be able to make these things in my own kitchen with as many healthy and fresh ingredients I could gather – and I wanted him to enjoy them and have pride in his mom’s delicacies. And so, this is mostly what I’ve been upto the last few months: baking, tasting, and baking some more. I do believe I have a Chocolate Cake recipe that we absolutely love; so much so, that even my not-so-crazy-for-chocolate Hubby Dear has requested it a few times.
I’ve tried out a few pizza dough recipes but have yet to pick out the one we all like best. But until then, this Chocolate Chip Oats Cookie is everything that I’ve ever dreamt of baking and more. And as Baby Dear walks in his Big Boy shoes into his first day of school this Fall, I say bring on the play-dates and birthday parties, the school picnics and field trips, the class parties and celebrations – I’m ready to don on my Class Mom hat and carry in baskets full of yummy treats!
Chocolate Chip Oats Cookies
- 2 large eggs
- 1/2 cup melted butter
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup light brown sugar
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 cup rolled oats
- 1 3/4 cups plain flour
- 1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Beat eggs, butter and vanilla extract in a large bowl. Slowly add in light brown sugar and mix well.
- In another bowl, mix baking soda, oats and flour to incorporate well. Slowly fold in flour mixture into the wet ingredients and fold in to combine.
- Fold in chocolate chips and divide into 36 equal portions. Place each cookie portion on a greased baking dish or one that’s lined with parchment paper with a distance of about 1-inch apart. Bake for 8-10 minutes till done, depending on your oven power.
Tried this recipe? Leave a Comment and let me know, also Rate it by clicking the number of stars on the recipe card. Want to share your version with me? Tag me on Instagram @hookedonheat
Yum! Love oatmeal chocolate chip cookies 🙂
You can never go wrong with cookies! This seems to be a tasty and easy recipe worth making. I am sure the class will love getting treats. Off to explore your Indian recipes!
These sound and look delicious!
Wow! Eight years of blogging! Congrats for all of that work…both cooking and blogging! What better way to celebrate than with chocolate chip cookies! 🙂
who doesn’t love oatmael and chocolate chips together? YUM!
Eight years, WOW!! Congrats 🙂 And with cookies like these, you can never go wrong!
I love oatmeal cookies, and I love chocolate chip cookies, so having both together? That sounds wonderful 🙂
Hi there,
You have a great blog and I totally love it. Oats and choocolate chip cooking look delectable. Actually I am a big fan of cookies!!
Hi there,
You have a great blog and I totally love it. The oat and chocolate chip cooking look delectable. Actually I am a big fan of cookies ????.
That first day of school is always hard for a mother, I cried after dropping my son off that 1st day for 6 years. I’m sure he loved these delicious looking cookies when he got home!